Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I'm back in Sac for a couple weeks, and luckily made it here without any flight issues this time!

The last three weeks we have been involved in Ecological Inquiry and Advanced Instructional Strategies, two classes which were both interesting and incredibly time consuming. We learned about 12 different teaching strategies, as well as got started on our Ecological Inquiry project about wolves!

Here at home I have done much relaxing! Started a new TV show, played with the animals, made some christmas cookies, and saw some friends for Christmas Eve last night. Two weeks is so much shorter than the 7 or 8 I'm used to!


Saturday, December 6, 2014

Countdown to Christmas

Well I lied about taking lots of pictures over break, sorry! I had a lovely week of shopping, eating, and watching TV. The nice weather was fantastic and I can't wait to get back to it in a couple weeks. Family friends did come over for dinner on Thanksgiving which was pretty awesome.

Look how grown up we are! Friends for 22 (and 20) years and counting!

We're already done with one of the three weeks before winter break! These three weeks include two academic classes on top of one another, Ecological Inquiry and Advanced Instructional Strategies. So far it looks like  a lot of reading and one really big project, so no free time between now and break!

Last night we all went separate ways to celebrate the beginning of the weekend, and a bunch of us decided to do so by playing some Just Dance in the commons. For about 4 hours. It was tons of fun, but my body is paying for it today!

Today a few of us ventured to get the grad commons a Christmas tree! It was quite an adventure as we could not get to the original spot we were hoping to get one from, but we ends dup walking all the way up Ditch Creek road and walking all the way back with our tree! Props to Ben, Ashley and Mary-Margaret for actually doing the leg work of scaling the hill and cutting it down (with a proper permit)! I waited at the bottom =)

Snowshoeing up the hill

Our awesome tree cutters!
Christmas trees in the snow. So wonderful!

We're decorating the tree tonight, so more pictures to come!
